
Hello Everyone,welcome to my wonderful land,fell free to navigate around.. I am the Owner on this blog | Born on 31 Oct 95 | Ex-SPM Candidate 2012 | Crazy about the pink , purple , or brown on colours and things, Me , a person that love to laugh and easy to fall tears and have a strong passion but did not dare to do it . " Find a Love , because wherever there is Love, there is always Wealth and Success ~♥ :)

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senyum+penat= senat !
Monday, February 14, 2011 | 3:46 AM | 0 Stalker(s)
Assalamualaikum .. hee~ mak aih ,, lme ta update .. act, time ni nga bosan doe .. siyes ta twu na wt pe .. haha .. ary ni mmg pnt .. smlm aq tdo kul bpe ha ? lmbt woo.. waa~ credit to si 'dye' ,, best lha kn ,, dpt gi cuti kt phg ,, na ole2 taw nnti ,, ahah.. btw, cmlm epy la jgk .. ckp2 dgn dye gne enpon ayh aq ,, abes aq klu ayh aq tawu ,, huhuh.... abes kol jea,, dye kc mcej suwoh tido ,, aq un ckp oke la .. last2 .. dye lak kol aq ..*____secret____* ..huhu,, even kjp jea ,, 2 mnit lbey kot ,, but snyum lebar aq dye ckp cm ue .. trubat ckit luke kt aty .. bhahaa.. oke la,, itu cite cmlm,, ni cite ary nih .. pkul 10 lbey aq bgon tdo (bgus gila anak dara nih ) .. haha .. ade cbb la.. mak aq kjut aq dri pkul 7 cmpi 10 ,, ta bgon2.. mcm sengal jea ,, finally ,, mak aq jmpe care pling best ,, ade ke ptot dye kejut aq gne newspper .. pukul kt peha aq ,, wow! mmg 'manis' gila rsenye .. tros trbukak mate aq ,, ta ley ttup.. cket maa , apalgi ,, aq nges aa ,, ahah ,, garang2 jgk,, akhirnye ,, mak aq pjuk blek .. hoho .. *cewek lak .. haha .. cke aty aq lah ...then bilik aq brsepah ,, lmpu lak wat hal,, ta na idop .. huh ! mmg semaadddd lha .. pkul 11 lbey ,, my mom da bsing2,, cuwoh wt kje umah ,, bsuh itu la ,, kms ini la ,, susun yg tu la ,, pening aq ,, lps abes je kms ,, slesa ckit aq tgk umah nih ,, terang je ,, hahaha ... bwu na reht kjp ,,trdgr lah laungan suare mak aq brkate ,, '' dayaa ! pegi siang ikan*ala,, yg potong ikan tuh , buang organ2 dalaman dye .. wooo~ , ptong sayur , g msk cpt ! '' .. aish .. geram aq , asyek2 aq ,, tp pkir2 blek ,, baek aq wat sume tu cbb mmg aq suke masak .. pling hebat cmpi burn muke cndiry ,, haha .. lwk2 ,, *jgn diugkit kmbali ksh lame .. hha.. teeet ! ade mcej msuk .. waa~ cpe lak yg mcej ni ,, tgk2 ,, ouh ! 'dye' mcej .. heheh.. sukenye .. ahahahah ... mecej2 cmpi lha ke ptg ,, cmbil wat kje .. pling penat ckli bsuh kolam 'air terjun' kt umah aq .. haha .. batu bulat cm bola tuh , gila babun ah .. berat dol ! aq cuci bnde alah tuh cmpi koyak kulit kt tgn aq ,, pedihnye~ siyes cmpi meleleh air mate aq .. ouh ! damn = =',
dlm kul 7 lbey cm ue ,, bwu ciap bsuh bnde alah :) :) then ..tup tap.. da mlm .. em,  agk kebosanan lha jgk mlm nih .. tgk mentor je la.. gelak2 cmpi terguling aq,, pa tu tgk merlin cmbil mcej nan dye.. ttbe jea ,, dtg mcej dri dye yg brbunyi *_____teeeett______*(hak privasi government) haha.. tah ttbe,, aq lak jd sebak dye bgi mcej tuh.. ptotnye mcej tuh mmg buley wat aq gila2 senyum taw.. tp . tah la .. then aq tros kol .. dgr suare dye je da twu dye busan .. alahai..sme la kite .. *da ta twu na ckp ape* . haha. ..aq stop mcej nan dye tpt kul 2 .. hehe .. sok aq ta dtg ,, mls ade ,, ade hal pun ade ,, so ta ley na kate ape .. haha.. btw,, Gtg .. mate aq cuwoh aq brmimpi lah .. hha.. zaass ! ape pon .. SELAMAT MENYAMBUT MAULIDUR RASUL !

p/s : siyes , melalut doe ape yg aq tulis nih .. haha :P :P .. blog aq ,, ikut ske tgn aq lha na taip ape kn .. bhahha