
Hello Everyone,welcome to my wonderful land,fell free to navigate around.. I am the Owner on this blog | Born on 31 Oct 95 | Ex-SPM Candidate 2012 | Crazy about the pink , purple , or brown on colours and things, Me , a person that love to laugh and easy to fall tears and have a strong passion but did not dare to do it . " Find a Love , because wherever there is Love, there is always Wealth and Success ~♥ :)

♫ MySelf
♪ MyStuff
♫ MyChingu
♪ MyStory


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Undenied feelings
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 | 1:16 PM | 0 Stalker(s)
Firstly ,

Ohh , Like to be unhonesty person ?  
Hey , Damn ! Get lostt laahh !

U know what , on that day , im so happy , think that im the only one person that always have big smilee . . but lately , unrealizing that , it hurt me , broke my heart eventhough that thing is just happen for one sec . . Its so hurt . . i don't care laa org na kate ape pun kan . . sometimes aq rse mcm na give up jee . . Tired being facing with all this . .But , klu aty da kate mcm tu  , what can i do . . Pleasee im begging with you . #so sorry sape yg terasa , emosional sikit kott . . 

Just na cakap at sini , ape perasaan korang kalau korang rasa macam diperbola-gulikan ? 'HAHAH' , feels like to give free2slap je kann . . =='
hah ! suka sgt buat mcm nie , ke aq yg salah , everything u just want to put on me je ke ?

(soryy harsh words using)